1.7 Sneaking Doesn't Do Anything
2023-02-08 11:21:15![Aone_Hax](https://laby.net/texture/profile/head/7aef7526a78a4a1fae8cc94a0eb1180d.png?size=50&overlay)
Aone_Hax: 1.7 Sneak Animation Option Not Working
even the 1.7 Sneaking is set to OFF
you still have the same smooth sneak animation just like you turned it on.
Also please add a new button to 1.7 Sneaking feature to disable smooth Upshift animation. A lot of people are used to the old 1.7 sneak animation in labymod3
Operating System: Android
LabyMod Version: s41/43afd2
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
Installed Addons: Optifine