Changing Full Screen Mode turns Ingame Window Tiny

2023-09-28 20:34:53
Duplicato di
ximaano: bugged full screen

If you change between Full Screen and Window Mode while being Ingame (No Chat or Settings opened) then the window maximizes but the game window stays tiny. If you have Chat or Settings opened while changing between Full Screen and Window Mode then everything works fine.

Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
Installed Addons: AutoGG, BetterPerspective, Chat Utilities, CustomNameTags, Flux, Friend Tags, Full Bright, HDSkins, Head Owner, HyPlus, ItemPhysics, KeyStrokes, RessourcePack24, Spotify, TNT Timer, ToggleSneak, VoiceChat


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