Minecraft glow with cosmetics

2024-02-28 18:30:51

When I play on a server and I get glow, my whole screens turns that color (of the glow). It happened with other people too on that server. I tried turning off cosmetics and then the glow just works normally.

It only happens on labymod 3 and it started happening when version 4.1.21 released. Someone else who hadn't updated their labymod to 4.1.21 didn't have the problem.


Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.1.22
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Installed Addons: Better perspective, Chattime, Clear water, custom crosshair, custom hurtcam, flux, fullbright, itemphysics, low fire, Teamspeak, Togglesneak


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