Scoreboard Score Visibility

2024-01-22 21:02:08
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WhoTheHellIsLeo: Scoreboard: Score Visibility in 1.20.4

When using LabyMod 1.20.4, the Score Visibility is broken.

When using 1.20.4, the Scoreboard Score Visibility does not work anymore. When you set the Score Visibility to HIDDEN, it still shows them in the widget editor. They are not really "hidden". Also, when you turn on Body Text Shadow it creates a shadow on the Scores which looks ugly.

1.20.4 Widget-Editor & Ingame:

Comparison to 1.20.1:

Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.1.13
Minecraft Version: 1.20.4
Installed Addons: Badges, ItemPhysics, CustomCrosshair, Fabric Loader, Resourcepacks24, Spotify, Flux, HeadOwner, Low Fire


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