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No input in Xaeros Minimap Waypoints menu

2023-06-30 22:08:45

When I want to create a waypoint with the Xaeros Minimap mod, it doesn't let me input text. If I want input something, the character instantly disappears from the input field.Image

Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.0.0+821 snapshot/4b60accc
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Installed Addons: AutoReconnect, BetterPerspective, ChatLog, ChatTime, CustomBlockOverlay, CustomNameTags, Fabric Loader, Flux, Friend Tags, Full Bright, Spotify, TNT Timer, ToggleSneak, Toolbreak Warnung, VoiceChat


  • Sanchez_45
    2023-07-25 23:37:23

    The same problem, I hope you will find a solution or they will write

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