fps limit

2023-07-06 00:47:51
VacrosDK: 1.8.9 Performance issues
hello. There is a problem with labymod 4 and it is that it does not exceed 30 or 40 fps, so it does not exceed me in a flat place, I think that it is not well adapted to take advantage of low gamma components because with labymod 3 I do super well and with labymod 4 it works very badly for me so I have everything well configured, it only happens with labymod 4, I use 3 and everything works fine for me, please solve it
Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.0.0+824 snapshot/7ae34c6e
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
Installed Addons: Flux, Optifine, VoiceChat, Full Bright,Damageindicator,Badges, BetterPerspective, ItemsPhysics, KeySrokes, CustomBlockOverlay, HyPlus,TNT Timer