Zooming makes the UI glitch out
2024-05-13 17:26:40nociixD: Show your hand in first person causes several issues
When I zoom in the current 1.20.6 Version of Labymod, all the UI things on the sides Glitch out, + Ammount on the Items aren't visible anymore / float arround somewhere they should not be.
It only happens when I use the Zoom and apart from that everything workes fine.
Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.2.13
Minecraft Version: 1.20.6
Installed Addons: VoiceChat, DamageIndicator, Laby's Waypoints, Advanced Tooltip, AutoGG, Spotify, HDSkins, FriendTags, TNT Timer, ItemPhysics, FullBright, Better Achievments, Laby's Minimap, CustomHurtCam, Flux, LabyGPT, BetterPerspective, HyPlus, Chat Utilities