"Advanced Chat" does not support fallback localizations

2023-07-14 15:42:31
1 Votes

Full title: "Advanced Chat" does not support fallback localized keynames

Reproduce method:

  1. Turn on "Advanced Chat"
  2. Use /tellraw to send localized keynames with fallback (Here's an example: /tellraw @a [{"translate":"labymod.hello","fallback": "Hello, %s!","with":[{"selector": "@s"]}])
  3. You will see labymod.hello instead of Hello!
    Desired result:
  4. Turn off "Advanced Chat" (or use vanilla client)
  5. Use /tellraw to send localized keynames with fallback (Here's an example: /tellraw @a [{"translate":"labymod.hello","fallback": "Hello, %s!","with":[{"selector": "@s"]}])
  6. You will correctly see "Hello!"

Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.0.2
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Installed Addons: ChatTime, Flux, Friend Tags, HyPlus


  • LittleChest
    2023-07-14 15:51:58

    Sorry, here's the fixed example: /tellraw @a [{"translate":"labymod.hello","fallback": "Hello, %s!","with":[{"selector": "@s"}]}]

  • LabyMod
    2023-07-14 16:06:45

    Thanks for your report. This bug/suggestion has just been completed. It will be released within one of the upcoming updates.

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