Low FPS in 1.8.9 with optifine

2023-07-21 19:48:11
VacrosDK: 1.8.9 Performance issues
I only get ~70fps with Labymod 4 1.8.9 + Optifine + Flux.
For comparison
Vanilla 1.8.9 | 200-500FPS
Labymod 4 1.8.9 + Flux | 150-300FPS
Labymod 4 1.8.9 + Optifine + Flux | 70-130FPS
Labymod 4 1.8.9 + Optifine | ~50-112FPS
Labymod 4 1.20.1 + Optifine + Flux | ~ 200FPS and it feels smoother
System Specs:
GTX: 1060 6GB
CPU: Intel i5 6500
Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.0.4+849 snapshot/933402a
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
Installed Addons: FLux Optifine Voicechat KeyStrokes BetterPerspective FullBright Togglesneak Resourcepack24