Can't type on mods (Specifically "Xaero's Minimap" mod)

2023-07-22 18:30:12
Comenheimer: In Xaero minimap it is impossible to put Waypoint
Hello! I can not seem to type on a mod that I installed with the Fabric mod loader addon. I can recreate this bug by creating a waypoint on the Xaero's Minimap mod, and trying to type deleted the first typed character in the textbox, meaning I can not create a waypoint. I have tried other solutions, like Laby's Minimap and Laby's Waypoints, but I do not like that you can't see the waypoints from far away. Any help or even a bug fix would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.0.4
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Installed Addons: BetterPerspective, CustomHurtCam, DamageIndicator, Fabric Loader, Flux, Full Bright, Item Physics, Laby's Waypoints (disabled), Spotify, Toolbreak Warning, Voicechat