Boss bar widget does not update title

2024-04-02 11:00:36

When using the boss bar widget, the name/title of the boss bar does only update after turning the boss bar invisible and back to visible. The vanilla behavior and the behavior without the boss bar widget is, that the name/title of the boss bar updates even without hiding and showing the boss bar again.

This video shows the bug, and the vanilla/labymod without widget behavior

Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.2.7+1159 snapshot/81b095e1
Minecraft Version: 1.20.4
Installed Addons: CustomCrosshair, VoiceChat, CustomBlockOverlay, CustomNameTags, Advanced Tooltip, Spotify, Ressourcepacks24, Low Fire, PingTag, Badges, Clear Water, ItemPhysics, Fabric Loader, Full Bright, Better Achievements, ToggleSneak, ReplayMod


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