Nametags not visible
After Updating LabyMod and using Minecraft 1.21 Nametags of other Players are no longer visible, even if the option "Hide All Nametags" is disabled.
Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: LabyMod 4.2.25+1288 snapshot/a3d61f98
Minecraft Version: 1.21
Installed Addons: VoiceChat, EUROCUP Watch Party, Laby's Waypoints, Advanced Tooltip, AutoGG, ToggleTab 4, FriendTags, TNT Timer, Badges, ItemPhysics, Fabric Loader, Laby's Minimap, Flux, HyPlus
BitByLogic | Entity Name Tags Not Rendering | 2024-06-19 10:54:07 |