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the laby filter is bugged on 1.21

2024-07-25 23:47:17
Approved by
21 Votes

when u have a filter on it spams in all chat 1.20.1 doesnt have this issue example:
https://prnt.sc/R-OC9btOfio0 this is 1.21
the logs: https://paste.labymod.net/puketuqigeliwetejali
1.20.1: https://prnt.sc/HR0cbwdTHee6
the logs: https://paste.labymod.net/arihukosohucucavesim

Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.2.32
Minecraft Version: 1.21


iCrafter_MC iCrafter_MC Failed to handle Listener 2025-02-14 16:43:59
Cr4zyPanda77 Cr4zyPanda77 Chatfilter 2025-02-12 09:52:50
SyntaxOfficial SyntaxOfficial Chat filter broken 2024-10-17 14:31:34


  • nick22985
    2024-08-08 21:17:14

    This is happening on play.manacube.com when someone [item] something in chat for additional context

  • ByteException_
    2024-08-18 20:00:09

    Same issue here. This stacktrace is being printed into the logs: https://paste.labymod.net/yeyebaginepivupawime.properties
    For me, this also only affects chat messages that have an embedded item

  • AutoRejected
    2024-10-01 03:05:18

    2 months..

  • _Parchist_
    2024-10-04 19:40:49

    Please Labymod-Dev's, I go crasy without your incredible filter in Chats. I play MC 1.21.1.

  • AutoRejected
    2024-10-22 06:56:17

    3 months

  • _Parchist_
    2024-10-22 15:53:47

    Hello Labymod, it seems as if the separate chat in windows and tabs is not working with command "(i)" in Minecraft. This command showes the item I have in my hand in all chats and not only in the main chat.

  • _Parchist_
    2024-10-22 15:56:37

    This problem occures in mac and windows-systems.
    I use
    Laby-launcher 4.2.39
    Minecraft 1.21.1

  • TBoneBuilds
    2024-10-25 23:30:25

    Same problem here... 1.21.1 spams all my chats full and i cannot filter it.

  • UltraLordNeo
    2024-10-26 11:49:01

    I've got the same problem. I also play with the client version 1.21.1

  • AutoRejected
    2024-11-22 04:55:30

    4 months

  • TBoneBuilds
    2024-12-29 21:27:38

    5 months

  • TBoneBuilds
    2025-01-31 15:53:03

    still not fixed.... cant believe it

  • _Parchist_
    2025-02-05 00:06:17

    meanwhile Laby Launcher 4.2.51 ... still pending

  • TBoneBuilds
    2025-02-12 18:45:12

    The bug has been unresolved for over 6 months now, and at this point, I'm seriously considering not spending another single damn euro on Laby until this is fixed. Maybe switching to Badlion could be an alternative, but I'm not familiar with it, and I'm not sure if they have a chat filter there.

  • LabyStudio
    2025-02-13 20:54:01

    For some reason I'm unable to reproduce the issue https://i.imgur.com/qjXQ6iN.png

  • LabyStudio
    2025-02-13 20:55:44

    Can someone give me an example configuration that could cause the issue? Maybe the issue is caused by an addon? Try uninstalling all addons

  • AutoRejected
    2025-02-13 21:00:06

    yeah as said above its some thing with laby and chatitem plugin
    normal chats are fine
    something with laby filter is broken or outdated

  • AutoRejected
    2025-02-13 21:01:14

    you could join play.manacube.net and test here see if its a addon issue

  • LabyStudio
    2025-02-13 21:14:50

    Got the same exception on manacube. Thanks! We are trying to release a fix tomorrow

  • AutoRejected
    2025-02-13 21:15:35

    thank you so much

  • UltraLordNeo
    2025-02-13 21:17:49

    At Griefergames.de we have got this issue too. for caseopen notifications. but not at all. therfor i think it may have to do something with special chars.
    Anti filter doesn't work anyway.

  • TBoneBuilds
    2025-02-13 22:20:23

    No, the issue only occurs if a winning notification contains an item preview. But I think if the bug is fixed on one server it will apply to all ^^

  • UltraLordNeo
    2025-02-14 21:29:52

    Ok. Therefore I think it may occur by using special chars.

  • LabyMod
    2025-02-17 19:20:06

    Thanks for your report. This bug/suggestion has just been completed. It will be released within one of the upcoming updates.

  • JumpingPxl
    2025-02-17 19:23:54

    We've released a fix on our Snapshot release channel for this. It would be helpful if y'all could test this and give us feedback it it works as intended now. If there are still issues with this, feel free to create a new entry here on our idea platform with a log of the game session this occurred in.

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