Missing key binding to toggle the HitBox
Dear Labymod,
I am playing labymod 4 (1.19.4) and I saw in the settings:
- ** **Classic PvP --> 1.7 animation: Hitbox: (On/Off)
So I wanted to turn hitbox on Like labymod 3 had. But unfortunately I couldn't find this setting.
Only the hitbox animation settings and advaced hitbox settings.
Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.0.0+816 snapshot/cfbded
Minecraft Version: 1.19.4
Installed Addons: ItemPhysics, CustomCroshair, CustomBlockOverlay, Keystrokes, DamageIndicator, Optifine, ResourcePacks24, Flux, BetterPerspective, ToggleSneak, FriendTag
2023-11-13 16:11:45Thanks for your report. This bug/suggestion has just been completed. It will be released within one of the upcoming updates.