200~ fps with laby and 1099~ with another client why ?
2023-07-24 12:13:07VacrosDK: 1.8.9 Performance issues
Labymod screens -> https://prnt.sc/qb7p1MRIbFRR
Another client screens -> https://prnt.sc/6VOpUs9KsByE
I have exactly same settings graphics and computer so why i loose massivly fps please do a patch
Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.0.4
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
Installed Addons: Spotify TNT Timer TimeChanger VoiceChat Flux Optifine Better Perspective CustomBlockOverlay CustomCrosshair CustomHurtCam DamageIndicator Full Bright HyPlus Ressourcepack24
2023-07-24 12:47:01i have something like this on labymod 4.0.4 1.18.2
on optifine i have more fps than on labymod 4
2023-07-25 05:07:14Have you looked about how much ram you gave the launcher vor example some launchers take more therefor being able to deliver better Labymods normal setting was 4 GB or 2 GB unsure if i remember correctly you might wanna try to add up a few GBs and see if something changes
2023-07-26 11:10:21this is labymod 4 problem because i check other clients like Lunar,Feather and Optifine. Only on labymod 4 i have 100-200 fps on lunar and feather 200-300 fps and on optifine 130-250 fps.
I like labymod 4 but performance should be better.