Incorrect handling of the OpenGL stack [1.8.9-1.12.2]
Nothing more to say about this than: All those bug fixes did nothing for my type of crash...
The crash log:
Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.0.6+875 snapshot/49206d
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Installed Addons: customcrosshair(1.1.0), damageindicator(1.0.8), labyswaypoints(1.0.0), customblockoverlay(1.0.4), customnametags(1.0.11), spotify(1.0.15), hdskins(1.5.2), hdskins_core(1.4.0), friendtags(1.0.5), badges(1.8.0), itemphysics(1.0.4), fullbright(1.1.7), optifine(1.0.25), labysminimap(1.3.0), customhurtcam(1.0.2), betterperspective(1.0.10), togglesneak(1.0.8), hyplus(2.0.2)