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AutoText does not recognize first key

2023-05-03 11:50:29
Approved by
1 Votes
  1. Create a new AutoText
  2. Disable "Send Immediately"
  3. Save the AutoText

  1. Use the key to execute the AutoText
  2. The text appears in the chat input field
  3. When you start typing, the first key you press is not recognized

Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.0.0+737 snapshot/f959bc66
Minecraft Version: 1.19.4
Installed Addons: CustomCrosshair, CustomBlockOverlay, HDSkins, FriendTags, TNT Timer, Badges, ItemPhysics, DirectionHud, Full Bright, OptiFine, Flux, AutoReconnect, ChatTime


  • JumpingPxl
    2023-05-05 15:07:44

    Hi, I cannot reproduce this. Could you provide a more detailed description of this issue?

  • xNiika
    2023-05-05 17:10:55

    Hey @JumpingPxl

    thats my AutoText: https://cdn.inweb.systems/captures/0505231658174.png

    If I click on the Key ("Arrow Down") to active the AutoText it will show "/hub " in the chat input field.
    If I start typing the first key I press doesn't appear in the chat input.

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