Animated Textures Not Working

2023-07-31 04:48:24
1 Votes

I am on MCCIsland right now, after I just downloaded the new Labymod 4. I noticed all the animated items they have as cosmetics are not animated using labymod. I opened a ticket on the discord and they mentioned I would have to create a bug report here. I have attached a gif of what animated items in minecraft look like, But using labymod they are frozen in the first frame.

Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.0.5
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Installed Addons: Optifine, Key Strokes, Flux, Chat Utilities, Cubepanion, HyPlus


  • Robby_
    2023-08-03 11:00:56

    Does the problem also occur without OptiFine?

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