🏝️ SUMMER COLLECTION Get ready for summer with our new vibrant Summer Collection! 🕶️

Deleted screenshots are not removed when deleted

2023-08-04 00:36:39
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When you delete a screen shot from your drive, labymod doesn't remove it out of the screenshot explorer aswell
Video: https://media.rappytv.com/u/SeiThn.mp4

Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.0.5+858 snapshot/e8a111
Minecraft Version: 1.19.4
Installed Addons: CustomCrosshair, Voicechat, Keystrokes, CustomBlockOverlay, CustomNameTags, Advanced Tooltip, TeamSpeak, Death Finder, DirectionHud, ItemPhysics, Full Bright, CustomHurtCam, Flux, NBTAddon, ToggleSneak, Global Tags, ChatLog, Laby's Waypoint, DamageIndicator, Spotify, Resourcepacks24, HDSkins, GlobalChat, FriendTags, TNT Timer, Badges, Toolbreak Warning, OPSucht Utilities, Send to Server, Laby's Minimap, Better Achievements, BetterPerspective, Chat Utilities


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