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clean window title still does not work

2023-09-30 15:41:33
Approved by
1 Votes

despite the last update the clean window title still doesn't work. whether activated or deactivated the title stays the same. if i deactivate the setting and restart the game then even all labymod settings reset (game starts again with fancy mode although vanilla was set before, labymod inventory logo is activated although deactivated before, etc)

Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.1.1+928 snapshot/ed1b12
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Installed Addons: ItemPhysics, Fabric Loader, Voice Chat, DamageIndicator, CustomNameTags, CustomHurtCam, Flux, ToggleSneak


MineFlash07 MineFlash07 Setting reset after disabling clean window title 2023-10-11 15:25:29


  • Chronex
    2023-09-30 16:04:08

    In addition, after the restart it says that an existing labymod 3 installation was found and asks me if I want to apply the settings. I am also asked if the new version of the addons should be downloaded.

  • JumpingPxl
    2023-10-04 13:34:11

    seems like the configuration was corrupted. Please provide the log of a game session this occurred in

  • Chronex
    2023-10-04 14:44:10

    Log before / during the change of setting: https://paste.labymod.net/bikufiqazi.makefile
    Log from restart after the change: https://paste.labymod.net/inifaranur.makefile

  • LabyMod
    2023-10-12 17:11:42

    Thanks for your report. This bug/suggestion has just been completed. It will be released within one of the upcoming updates.

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