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Addon uses wrong translation file when installed

2023-10-20 16:11:12
Approved by
0 Votes

Repro steps:

  • Switch to any language except english
  • Install any addon with translations in the language you chose
  • The labymod language is now the language you chose while the addon is in english

Video: https://media.rappytv.com/u/LlkjmU.mp4

Operating System: Windows 10
LabyMod Version: 4.1.3+948 snapshot/32158a
Minecraft Version: 1.20.2
Installed Addons: CustomCrosshair, Voicechat, Keystrokes, CustomBlockOverlay, CustomNameTags, Advanced Tooltip, TeamSpeak, Death Finder, DirectionHud, ItemPhysics, Full Bright, CustomHurtCam, Flux, NBTAddon, ToggleSneak, Global Tags, ChatLog, Laby's Waypoint, DamageIndicator, Spotify, Resourcepacks24, HDSkins, GlobalChat, FriendTags, TNT Timer, Badges, Toolbreak Warning, OPSucht Utilities, Send to Server, Laby's Minimap, Better Achievements, BetterPerspective, Chat Utilities


  • LabyMod
    2023-11-13 16:11:45
    Thanks for your report. This bug/suggestion has just been completed. It will be released within one of the upcoming updates.

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