Colour bug

2023-12-01 17:04:12
Aone_Hax: Wrong color codes
When using Fancy Theme font, the entire IGN text changes the colour based on the colour of the sidetext added, e.g. on Hypixel it changes the colour to the colour of your guild tag. This specifically occurres in v4.1.5 (was the case in the snapshot too), I'm fairly certain this is a bug with the newest version as even during the snapshot build, changing to the production version which was v4.1.4 at the time, fixed the bug.
Operating System: Windows 11
LabyMod Version: 4.1.5
Minecraft Version: 1.20.2
Installed Addons: BetterPerspective, ChatLog, CustomCrosshair, CustomNameTags, DamageIndicator, Fabric Loader, Flux, Friend Tags, Full Bright, Laby's Waypoints, Low Fire, Spotify, TameChanger, ToggleSneak, VoiceChat