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LabyMod 3.8

Ready for the future - with PvP from the good old days.



Minecraft 1.16.5

LabyMod 3 now supports Minecraft 1.16.5! Finally you can use all LabyMod features on the latest Minecraft version.

LabyMod has been completely redeveloped for 1.16 and now also supports the performance modification Sodium! Now available for free - for everyone!

Free download
Is LabyMod a hack client now?

No! The feature is only active in cooperation with specific servers. It 100% emulates the PvP behavior of 1.8, making the game fair for everyone.

Classic PvP Mode

With the Classic PvP Mode we bring the old PvP System into the newest Minecraft version!

  • Larger Hitbox / Higher Range *
    The hitbox of the players was much bigger in the old PvP system. With the LabyMod Classic PvP Mode you can get the old hitbox back and increase your hit rate in cooperation with our partner servers!
  • Classic blocking with the sword
    You can hide the shield in the 1.16 and block with the sword instead!
  • Animations
    If you want, all animations are now like in Minecraft 1.7.

* Available on these servers:

New menu structure

Clicking through submenus is a thing of the past -
Many Minecraft and LabyMod features are now conveniently accessible via tabs! This makes Minecraft cleaner and easier to use.

All Minecraft settings are now also synchronised between different Minecraft versions.

Download LabyMod 3.8 now!
