Para iniciar sesión en el sitio web simplemente inicia Minecraft con la última versión de LabyMod y haz clic en tu cabeza en el menú principal de Minecraft o en las opciones de LabyMod.
Si tienes problemas para iniciar Minecraft con LabyMod o no puedes encontrar la cabeza en tu menú principal, asegúrate de tener la última versión de LabyMod.
Ten en cuenta que debes haber comprado Minecraft Java Edition para registrarte.
Ya no puedo acceder a mis códigos 2FA ni a mis códigos de verificación alternativos. ¿Qué puedo hacer?
In general: If you don't have the app or the backup codes when using two-factor authentication, you won't be able to log in. That's also the purpose of 2FA. In the case that you no longer have access to your app, you should always have the backup codes to restore access if necessary. If this is not the case, it is self-inflicted and we can not do anything for you.
However, in exceptional cases we can remove two-factor authentication from the account. To do this, we look at each case carefully. If you have nothing to restore your account access, you can create a request using the form on this page.
No recuerdo la dirección de correo electrónico de mi cuenta y no tengo acceso a 2FA ni a códigos de seguridad alternativos. ¿Qué puedo hacer?
In this case, we cannot verify you as the account owner AND you lost important security data. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything for you in this case.
Advertencia general / aviso:
In general, it should be noted that everyone is responsible for their own account security. When activating 2FA, we clearly point out that backup codes must be saved. Unfortunately, in many cases, we are therefore not able to help.